good days

there will be

good days

In 2009, I was told there would be good days. I didn’t for one minute believe it. Easy for some shrink to say.

But tools are amazing things. There are still mornings that are a horror show in my head. There are also days when the wolf (black dog) recedes and the grass is truly green.

Cherish moments.

Who's driving your bus?

Ya know…. Some days I get stuck in mania from some drug of choice (even work, feeling needed – it doesn’t have to be those other drugs). The mania temporarily lessens the depression. Then I crash.

But there are days when I can see the disordered thinking, put it to the side, and have a good day. My crazy brain isn’t driving my bus for this one run.

Sheep’s advise? Don’t let the depression drive your bus all day, every day.

what constitutes a good day?

what is a good day for me might strike someone else as pathetic.

and whow many times have i heard – “Just go outside. It’s beautiful out there. Go enjoy the roses.”

makes me feel even more failed. i mean everyone else enjoys the roses, why the hell can’t i? maybe if I just try harder.

Sheep’s advise? What defines your good day might be just not cutting off your own wool. Or who knows? It may be eating those roses, not smelling them.

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